Chikko Corporation

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・You must enter information in the fields marked required to send.

Reason for Contacting Chikko *Required
Company *Required
Name *Required Last Name
Family Name (Ex) Chikko Taro
Gender Male Female
Date of Birth Year Month Day
(Ex) 1985/1/1
Postal Code
E-Mail *Required (Ex)
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A confirmation mail that your contact form was received will automatically be sent to you.
If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please double check and re-enter your e-mail address.

Question or Comment *Required
(500 letters or under)

<Customer Personal Privacy Information>

We will take the following steps to protect information entered on our website.

■Use of Personal Information
Chikko Corporation will use your personal information in the following ways.
1) To respond to and confirm your question or comment.
2) To record and manage any past questions or comments.

■Providing Information to Third Parties
It may be necessary to send your personal information and your question or comment to an affiliated company or vendor in order to provide the best response.
Chikko Corporation will not provide your information to a third party for any other reason than that listed above, except when otherwise allowed for by law.

This web site, SSL encrypted communication is introduced to protect privacy.