Facilities for All Storage Needs
Chikko advances the warehouse facilities which have multi-purposes and many functions. We are equipping automated vertical warehouses and rack systems to respond to small lot/high mix storage and dispatch, temperature-controlled warehouses, special dangerous goods warehouses, and various other storage needs.
Chikko also handles specialty storage, such as temporary storage and shipping of tank containers of dangerous goods, segmentation and transference distribution, tank container heating, lorry filling, and empty drum storage.
Diverse Personnel with Specialized Knowledge of Dangerous Goods
At each of our storage facilities, you'll find customs specialists by the government in handling dangerous goods and poisons, and staff certified in storing, shipping, and loading high-pressure gasses, flammables, pyrophoric items, and other dangerous goods.
Personnel with the specialized knowledge necessary for dangerous goods are in charge of our operations.
Dangerous Goods Warehouse
Capable of handling a wide range of hazardous materials
Our strength is handling various dangerous goods and chemicals especially petrochemical products among import and export cargo. For the storage of dangerous goods, there are a number of issues to be cleared in accordance with to laws and regulations, where, in many cases, only Fire Service Law 4 is applied. However, we are able to store cargoes which are Category 1 to Category 5 in Yokohama, Nagoya, and Kobe. Our greatest strength is that we have cleared storage and security standards defined by the Fire Prevention Law in a wide range of fields and accumulated know-how for many years.

Constant Temperature Warehouse
Stores Cargo at 5 to 25 degrees
Please leave the storage of goods that degrade in quality as temperature and humidity changes in our hands. In order to maintain its condition at Chikko, there are substantial warehouses that these goods can be stored in a certain range of temperature and humidity, and we are able to maintain it according to the characteristics of the products.

Ordinary Materials Warehouse
Managing the Small Quantities of Various Types of Cargo by Movable racks
We are also fully equipped with ordinary materials warehouses, which are compatible with small quantities of various types of cargoes with movable racks, as well as packaging and other services. We are confident that we can respond to all client’s needs to import and export dangerous goods and ordinary materials simultaneously.

Poisonous Materials Storage
General Selling Business, Manufacturing Industry Registration
The manufacturing, importing, selling, storing and transporting of poisonous and deleterious substances are severely restricted by the “Poisonous and Deleterious Substitution Control Law” from the aspects of health hygiene. At Chikko, we have qualified people who are able to handle poisonous materials and manage them according to procedures that comply with the Control Law such as anti-theft.

Tank Container Storage
We are Proud of Our Large Capacity
We are able to store a wide variety of tank containers such as CategoryⅣClassⅠpetroleum to Ⅳ (flash point 0 degrees and more) of the Fire Prevention Law and oil extracted from animals and plants etc. In addition to temporary storage and transportation, we support special work such as heating, truck loading, and refilling.

Chikko's Warehouse
Chikko has established ten offices and customs clearance offices to cover all six of Japan's major ports. They all work closely with bonded warehouses and other storage facilities to offer speedy solutions.
All storage facilities are in areas directly connected to the nearest port, allowing us to provide our customers with ideal solutions through streamlined and efficient port transport and storage.
We also have offices in Shanghai and Vietnam to handle international distribution.